
What is the method of centralized product destruction

Text:[Big][in][small] QR code 2019-08-20     Views:278    

With the improvement of people's quality of life and the improvement of their living standards, they will face obsolete food, temporary food, unqualified food and other products that need to be scrapped and destroyed. It is a very difficult and difficult operation problem for manufacturing enterprises. It is high and expensive, and it is difficult for ordinary enterprises to bear. Therefore, it is necessary to find a professional environmental protection product destruction agency.

In many cases, the site was found but not closed. At the same time, it was crushed and destroyed, which led to the looting of ordinary people. The scene was difficult to control. Open-air incineration would be fined by the environmental protection department due to incomplete procedures, product safety, and corporate brand image. No guarantee.


Food destruction

The State Food and Drug Administration and related departments have long established clear rules for handling expired foods, and manufacturers and sales departments require that all expired foods be uniformly and centrally destroyed. When law enforcement finds and finds outdated food, unqualified food, and fake and shoddy products, it must be scrapped and destroyed. It is strictly forbidden to give away or dump expired food casually, nor to resell or circulate in the secondary market.

However, food companies deal specifically with the emergence of expired food. Now all large food companies are seeking a reasonable treatment method and long-term, professional destruction disposal channels.

It is currently the best way to find a professional product destruction company for overdue food destruction.

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